Property Management Planning Workshops for Cradle Coast NRM, Burnie (Tasmania): 2015
Practical Ecology undertook two sessions as part of a Property Management Planning Workshop facilitated by Cradle Coast Natural Resource Management (NRM) in Burnie, Tasmania in May 2015. Aimed at private landowners and undertaken over two consecutive Sundays, these workshops aimed to provide landowners with information on agricultural production and its management, as well as the management and enhancement of biodiversity values.
The first session undertaken by Practical Ecology as part of this first workshop focussed on an ‘Introduction to Biodiversity’ which covered the principles of biodiversity and its management, vegetation communities, the identification of habitat values and planning law around vegetation clearing. This was followed up by a subsequent session at the second workshop that focussed on ‘Threatened Species and Pest Species’. This latter session defined what threatened species and pest species are, and provided further information on the presence of such species within Cradle Coast NRM. Case studies of specific species were also presented. This session went on to identify the known causes for species decline, and provided participants with guidance on the management of these species on their properties. Legal responsibilities around doing so, where applicable, was also discussed.
Training in Native Vegetation and Planning Regulations for Banyule City Council, Victoria: 2012 and 2014
Practical Ecology’s Managing Director, Lincoln Kern, completed one-day training courses pertaining to native vegetation and planning regulations for Banyule City Council planners and associated staff in 2012 and 2014. These training courses aimed to ensure that staff within Council that are involved in assessing planning permit applications are up to date with current planning law and legislation relevant to native vegetation. A general introduction to native vegetation and plant identification was provided and this was followed by an overview of what planners should expect to see where planning permit applications include the removal, destruction of lopping native vegetation.
Various methods were used to communicate the information presented during the courses. This included ongoing opportunities for questions and answers throughout the day, the provision of examples and case studies to demonstrate key points and student participation in a theoretical planning case through role play. A visit to a bushland site near to the venue where these courses were undertaken was also used as a means to demonstrate the relevant issues that need to be taken in to consideration.
Habitat Creation on the Victorian Volcanic Plains: Hume City Council, Victoria: 2013
In 2013, Practical Ecology’s Managing Director, Lincoln Kern, presented a seminar and associated field visits regarding habitat creation and management for Hume City Council. This one-day training course included a morning theory component followed by afternoon site visits to various local properties and reserves looking at examples of habitat and its management. The course focussed on the different habitat components and their use by fauna, habitat connectivity and proactive habitat creation and management. Case studies of local rare or threatened fauna, as well as common fauna, were used to illustrate how key animals use various habitat components.
.Principles for Promoting Your Patch: Hume City Council, Victoria: 2012
Practical Ecology’s Managing Director, Lincoln Kern, was a keynote speaker at a training day run by Hume City Council in 2012. This one-day training day, aimed at private landowners, provided participants with an introduction to the native vegetation within the Hume municipality. This included a review of what a vegetation community actually was, and an introduction to the key vegetation communities within Hume. This was followed by a discussion of the management threats to these communities, such as pest plants and grazing, and the opportunities that are available to manage them for biodiversity. An in-class PowerPoint presentation discussing these topics was followed by visits to sites in Wildwood and Oaklands Junction.